Youth Engagement
Partnering with Young People to Advance their Health
We believe that healthy youth lead productive, healthy adult lives and positively impact the school-based health centers of their community. And, that young people hold the expertise about what their healthcare should look like.
Youth Advisory Board
Youth Healthcare Alliance launched our second youth advisory board in fall 2024 with the recruitment of high school students. This board will serve as the opportunity for youth engagement in our work, namely in the following areas:

Young people can make change in policy that impacts them. We plan to educate them on the state legislative process and connect them with the lawmakers who represent them. Our vision is to elevate the youth voice in the process about the very policies that impact them.

Advancing School-Based Healthcare
As communities continue to support school-based healthcare or explore new ways of providing healthcare, we want to ensure that young people directly shape what this should look like for them.

Strategic Planning
Youth Healthcare Alliance is committed to integrating youth voices in the structure of our organization. This vision includes providing meaningful opportunities for the Youth Advisory Board to guide projects, materials, and work.

As Youth Healthcare Alliance strives to continuously become a more equitable organization and support school-based clinics in doing the same, we need to listen and have tough conversations about what that looks like in young people’s minds.
Welcome to our 2024-25 Youth Advisory Board members!

Aahana is a senior from Colorado Springs, and she joined because she says that it "would give me an outlet to discuss ideas I have with many talented, like-minded individuals, implement new campaigns for statewide impact, and enable me to use my leadership."

Smrithi is a sophomore from Lafayette who believes that "by being part of this community, I can make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute to a greater cause."

Sofia also from Lafayette is a junior and shares that "I would be able to connect and interact with peers who have similar interests as I do and we have the opportunity to help each other with issues relating to those interests."

Maliya is a high school graduate from Broomfield and says "I am very passionate about and interested in learning about health and advocacy. I would love to have a community and space to broaden and apply my knowledge."

Suyash from Thornton is a senior and he has a "strong desire to advocate and provide insight on some of the toughest public health challenges currently faced within Colorado."

Victoria from Greeley is a senior and the newest member on the YAB. She has developed a deep love for service and wishes to pursue a career in healthcare. "I truly believe that putting myself in an environment to help people now will make me a better provider in the future."

Lakshmi from Lafayette is a senior and she says that this is an "opportunity for my personal growth and professional development, especially in gaining experience/knowledge in the healthcare field."
Project REACH (Realizing Excellence through Academics and Careers in Health)
Youth Healthcare Alliance was excited to partner with our national affiliate, School-Based Health Alliance, in continuing this project for a second year in 2023, and are exploring funds to continue the project in the next school year. Project REACH is a career exploration program for Black high school juniors and seniors at Gateway High School in Aurora interested in a future in health and wellness. Through workshops, shadowing, mentorship, and internships, students will build their knowledge of the school-based health care field, foster connections with health professionals, and enhance their agency and leadership potential.